
Operational Support

service desk management | operational management | configuraton management

Project Profile:

Campus Operations Support

In 1997 FedSoft staff began working with a medium sized charitable organization developing an I.T. service strategy that would help smooth transition from manual processes and legacy tools to a modern, collaborative, integrated business technology environment. We started by listening, analyzing, and defining high priority service alternatives to support their mission and critical programs. We evaluated each functional area within the organization and then we designed effective service solutions to meet those needs. As the campus footprint grew through two building programs to incorporate a second, independent non-profit organization that shared the infrastructure, FedSoft continued to respond to the developing physical plant and customer service requirements. When the job was complete, we had installed 10 miles of physical cable, configured wireless LAN service, VPN, workstations for every employee, and numerous server solutions. As the organization has continued to evolved over time, we have established a three tier service approach to provide 24/7 support to the end-user community, and we have frequently delivered end-user training. No support or assistance request has ever been missed, we have always been able to maintain 99.99% uptime for critical systems. Over ten years later we continue to provide operational support and continual service improvement to the organization.

FedSoft plans, installs, configures, manages, and monitors systems and data networks ranging from small-scale workgroups to medium-scale data centers.  Our depth of experience with systems integration and custom software development in complex business environments has provided real-world context for daily operation and infrastructure support.  Our managers are PMP certified with ITIL certified staff providing support offerings within ITIL Service Operations.

cadmus_rice_schwatka_1Since its inception, FedSoft has encouraged the practice of operations and development staff participating together in the end-to-end solutions life-cycle from design through the development process to post-production support.  An environment where operations staff make use of many of the same techniques and approaches as development staff and vice versa creates a highly collaborative and communicative environment with shared context between those constructing solutions and those delivering and maintaining solutions.  This idea has come to be known in recent years as “DevOps”.

FedSoft can plan and administer your organization’s technology, allowing you to focus on the critical tasks that are best left to your staff such as making strategic decisions, optimizing existing services, refining and focusing your various lines of business, and expanding and maturing your service portfolio.  By taking advantage of FedSoft’s expertise in Configuration Management and Service Desk Management, you can increase the satisfaction of internal and external customers, reduce the number of post-delivery incidents, and reduce the resources and costs necessary to maintain your services once they have been delivered.

Our Configuration Management offering brings standardized methods and procedures for handling changes that are predictable and which help to minimize and mitigate risk.  We can help you:

  • Define your standard operating environment
  • Establish a change control process
  • Build a configuration management system
  • Plan and manage resources
  • Perform I.T. infrastructure element identification
  • Implement configuration item status accounting/reporting
  • Perform configuration verification
  • Create enterprise documentation
  • Ensure that packages of hardware/software releases are well defined

The goal of our Service Desk Management offering is to provide a single point of contact to interface with the end-user and handle, through the industry standard three-tier support process.  We can help you by:

  • Handling incidents and service requests with automated routing and tracking
  • Performing first line investigation and problem diagnosis with auditable records
  • Coordinating and communicating with Operational Management
  • Keeping the end-user appraised of progress and changes to the infrastructure that may effect them through a variety of outreach measures
  • Escalating, where necessary, complex problem resolution to subject matter experts and senior engineers
Server Technologies
  • Microsoft Exchange Server
  • Microsoft Active Directory
  • Microsoft SharePoint
  • BlackBerry Enterprise Server
  • Zope
  • Apache
  • Jboss
  • Websphere
  • WebLogic
Tracking & Resolution
  • IBM Tivoli SRM
  • HEAT
  • CVS
  • Test Track Pro
  • Bugzilla
  • Rational ClearQuest
  • SpiceWorks IT Desktop
Operating Systems
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux
  • Sun Solaris
  • Microsoft Windows
  • CentOS Linux
  • Oracle Enterprise Linux
  • Fedora Linux
  • Ubuntu
  • Mac OSX
  • Oracle
  • MS SQL Server
  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL